Glenbard Wastewater Authority Background

Public Notices and Review Documents

Public Notices and Review Documents

(Public Notices and Review documents will be posted here when available and necessary)

Notice Invitation to Bid for Digester Cleaning and Municipal Sludge Disposal
(Posted March 7, 2025)

Digester Cleaning and Municipal Sludge Disposal

Sealed proposals will be received Sealed proposals will be received will be received by the Glenbard Wastewater Authority, 945 Bemis Road, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137, until 10:00 a.m. on Thursday March 27, 2025. At that time, bids will be publicly opened and read aloud immediately afterwards on the same date. The project will be locally funded by the Glenbard Wastewater Authority. All bids shall be submitted in an opaque, sealed envelope clearly labeled to identify the bidder and the project, and marked “SEALED BID – Glenbard Wastewater Authority – Digester Cleaning and Municipal Sludge Disposal – DO NOT OPEN”. Bids received after 10:00 a.m. will be returned unopened.

Bid Documents may be obtained and/or examined at the office of the Glenbard Wastewater Authority, 945 Bemis Road, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137, (630) 790–1901, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., or by contacting Gayle Lendabarker, Executive Assistant, at Upon reception of the document, parties interested in bidding will be added to a plan holders list.

GWA will attempt to remove as much material as possible prior to contractors start date. Due to operational capabilities and other limiting factors, GWA estimates an approximate volume of 200,000 gallons will be required to be removed from digester 2. THIS IS ONLY AN ESTIMATE, THE AUTHORITY CANNOT GUARANTEE A SPECIFIC VOLUME. Liquid contents of the digester are to be hauled to a landfill or land applied. The selected service provider will be notified of official award on April 10, 2025, and all work shall be completed by August 30, 2025.

The Executive Oversight Committee (EOC) of the Glenbard Wastewater Authority reserves the right to reject or accept any Proposal and, to waive any irregularities and/or informalities in any Proposal, and to enter into an agreement consistent with law that is considered in the best interest of the Glenbard Wastewater Authority.

Notice of Combined Sewer Overflow Permitted Discharge
(Posted February 3, 2025)

Public Notification Program for the Combined Sewer

The Glenbard Wastewater Authority (Authority) formed through an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Villages of Glen Ellyn and Lombard creating Regional Wastewater Treatment Facilities. Included in those facilities is the CSTF which operates under the Authority’s Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Permit numbers IL0022471-001, 002 and 003. The Village of Lombard owns and maintains a collection system that incorporates approximately seven square miles of residential and commercial development tributary to the CSTF. The Authority, has developed this web page entry to notify the public of any discharges that occur from any of the three (3) permitted outfalls associated with the CSTF. These outfalls all discharge partially treated effluent into the East Branch of the DuPage River.

The CSTF, IL Permit Number 0022471, discharged at ~ 12:15 PM, on January 31, 2025, for a period of ~ 22.0 hours, with a total discharge of 8.289 million gallons, due to a rain event of 1.25″, which began on January 30, 2025 at 5:30 PM, with a duration of ~ 11.0 hours.

Days are classified as 12:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. for permit reporting of the CSTF. If at any time you have questions regarding the discharge of the CSTF to the East Branch of the DuPage River or how the Authority treats the water, please do not hesitate to contact Authority staff at (630) 790-1901. Click here to view the Authority’s storm water plant.

Notice of Increased Truck Traffic on Bemis Road
(Posted September 25, 2024)

In an effort to be communicative and transparent, the Authority would like to inform our neighbors on Bemis Road that beginning next week, September 30th, there will be an increased volume of truck traffic coming into the Authority for several weeks. While we realize the reconstruction of Bemis is nearly complete, and the roadway has returned to normal, we could not avoid the timing on this matter. The new road is rated to handle the trucks that will be traveling on it, and the traffic will only be during the working hours of 7am-4:30pm. This project is only expected to last three to four weeks, but could be done sooner if weather is favorable. As always, the Authority is requiring that the contractor travel slowly and safely down our roadways. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any reason.

Notice Invitation to Bid for Municipal Biosolids Hauling
(Posted August 6, 2024)

Municipal Biosolids Hauling

Sealed proposals must be received by the Glenbard Wastewater Authority, 945 Bemis Road, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137, until 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday September 18, 2024. Marked “MUNICIPAL BIOSOLIDS DISPOSAL BID” and at that time, bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. All bids shall be submitted in an opaque, sealed envelope clearly labeled “MUNICIPAL BIOSOLIDS DISPOSAL BID” with the bidder’s contact information visible to identify the bidder and marked “SEALED BID – Glenbard Wastewater Authority – Sealed proposals will be received – DO NOT OPEN”. Only sealed bids will be opened. Bids received after 10:00 a.m. will be returned unopened.

Basis of award will be based on the lowest flat rate per cubic yard for daily disposal during the three years of the contract, and bidder responsiveness and responsibility. This award will be made upon the recommendation of the Glenbard Wastewater Authority’s Operations Superintendent to the Glenbard Wastewater Authority Executive Oversight Committee for anticipated award in October 2024, with services to begin on January 1, 2025.

The invitation to bid document has been published and is available through the Glenbard Wastewater Authority; interested parties may contact Gayle Lendabarker by email at or by phone: 630-790-1901, in order to receive the document. Upon receipt of the document, parties interested in bidding will be added to a plan holders list.

Currently, GWA produces an estimated total annual volume of 12,000 cubic yards of Biosolids at approximately 16% – 18% solids. The selected service provider will be required to initiate work on January 1, 2025.

The Executive Oversight Committee (EOC) of the Glenbard Wastewater Authority reserves the right to reject or accept any Bid and, to waive any irregularities and/or informalities in any Bid, and to enter into an agreement consistent with law that is considered in the best interest of the Glenbard Wastewater Authority.

Notice of Combined Sewer Overflow Permitted Discharge
(Posted July 16, 2024)

Public Notification Program for the Combined Sewer

The Glenbard Wastewater Authority (Authority) formed through an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Villages of Glen Ellyn and Lombard creating Regional Wastewater Treatment Facilities. Included in those facilities is the CSTF which operates under the Authority’s Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Permit numbers IL0022471-001, 002 and 003. The Village of Lombard owns and maintains a collection system that incorporates approximately seven square miles of residential and commercial development tributary to the CSTF. The Authority, has developed this web page entry to notify the public of any discharges that occur from any of the three (3) permitted outfalls associated with the CSTF. These outfalls all discharge partially treated effluent into the East Branch of the DuPage River.

The CSTF, IL Permit Number 0022471, discharged at ~ 1:45 AM, on July 13, 2024, for a period of ~ 58.0 hours, with a total discharge of 36.401 million gallons, due to a rain event of 3.33″, which began on July 13, 2024 at 1:45 AM, with a duration of ~ 9.0 hours.

Days are classified as 12:00p.m to 12:00p.m for permit reporting of the CSTF. If at any time you have questions regarding the discharge of the CSTF to the East Branch of the DuPage River or how the Authority treats the water, please do not hesitate to contact Authority staff at (630) 790-1901. Click here to view the Authority’s storm water plant.

Notice Invitation to Bid for Primary Clarifier Improvements Project
(Posted April 11, 2024)

Primary Clarifier Improvements Project Invitation to Bid

Sealed proposals will be received Sealed proposals will be received will be received by the Glenbard Wastewater Authority, 945 Bemis Road, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137, until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday May 29, 2024. At that time, bids will be publicly opened and read aloud immediately afterwards on the same date. The project will be locally funded by the Glenbard Wastewater Authority. All bids shall be submitted in an opaque, sealed envelope clearly labeled to identify the bidder and the project, and marked “SEALED BID – Glenbard Wastewater Authority – Sealed proposals will be received – DO NOT OPEN”. Bids received after 2:00 p.m. will be returned unopened.

The Contract Documents may be inspected and purchased at: Trotter and Associates, Inc. 40W201 Wasco Road, Suite D, St. Charles, Illinois 60175, (630) 587–0470. Payment for Contract Documents is non–refundable and shall be payable to Trotter and Associates, Inc. in the form of cash, certified check or money order. No partial sets of specifications or drawings will be issued. The nonrefundable cost for plans and specifications is $160.00 for hard copy and $80.00 electronic.

A copy of the bid advertisement can be viewed online at Trotter and Associates, Inc. website,

Notice of Combined Sewer Overflow Permitted Discharge
(Posted March 12, 2024)

Public Notification Program for the Combined Sewer

The Glenbard Wastewater Authority (Authority) formed through an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Villages of Glen Ellyn and Lombard creating Regional Wastewater Treatment Facilities. Included in those facilities is the CSTF which operates under the Authority’s Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Permit numbers IL0022471-001, 002 and 003. The Village of Lombard owns and maintains a collection system that incorporates approximately seven square miles of residential and commercial development tributary to the CSTF. The Authority, has developed this web page entry to notify the public of any discharges that occur from any of the three (3) permitted outfalls associated with the CSTF. These outfalls all discharge partially treated effluent into the East Branch of the DuPage River.

The CSTF, IL Permit Number 0022471, discharged at ~ 9:47 PM, on March 8, 2024, for a period of ~ 9.25 hours, with a total discharge of 3.59 million gallons, due to a rain event of .78″, which began on March 8, 2024 at 9:47 PM, with a duration of ~ 9.25 hours.

Days are classified as 12:00p.m to 12:00p.m for permit reporting of the CSTF. If at any time you have questions regarding the discharge of the CSTF to the East Branch of the DuPage River or how the Authority treats the water, please do not hesitate to contact Authority staff at (630) 790-1901. Click here to view the Authority’s storm water plant.

Glenbard Wastewater Authority – Final Clarifier Cleaning Notice
(Posted September 6, 2023)

Glen Ellyn, Illinois

Notice to Residents near the Glenbard Wastewater Authority’s main plant on Bemis Road:

On Wednesday, September 6th, Glenbard Wastewater Authority began draining one of our final clarifier tanks. As are result, during the day, Thursday, September 7th, there is the potential for some odors as we hose it down for cleaning. The clarifier cleaning should be completed by the end of the week. This procedure is part of our normal Plant Operations in preparation for lower flows.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

As always, please feel free to call us for any reason at 630-790-1901 or email the Operations Superintendent, Andrew Pakosta, via email

Glenbard Wastewater Authority – Requests for Proposals – Landscape Maintenance Services
(Posted August 21, 2023)

Glen Ellyn, Illinois – The Glenbard Wastewater Authority is now accepting sealed bid proposals for Landscape Maintenance Services. It is the intent of The Glenbard Wastewater Authority (“Authority”) to enter into a 3-year Agreement with a Contractor for the maintenance of Lawns, Shrubs, and Ornamental Trees at Glenbard Wastewater Authority Facilities.

Owner’s facilities shall be provided landscape maintenance services as described in the bid specifications and specific instructions contained in the bid package.

Sealed bid proposals must be received prior to 10:00 a.m. on Friday September 1st, 2023 at the Glenbard Wastewater Authority, 945 Bemis Road, Glen Ellyn, Illinois, 60137. At that time, bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. All bids shall be submitted in an opaque, sealed envelope clearly labeled to identify the bidder and the project, and marked “SEALED BID – Glenbard Wastewater Authority – Landscape Services – DO NOT OPEN”. Bids received after 10:00 am will be returned unopened. Only sealed bids will be accepted.

Bid specifications and specific instructions contained in the bid package may be obtained from GWA’s Executive Assistant, Gayle Lendabarker, via email Site visits may be scheduled upon request and should be coordinated through the Maintenance Superintendent, Jon Braga, via email and as specified in the bid specifications. All questions concerning the bid document or specifications must be submitted via email. A written response will then be provided to all known bidders and made available to the public. No interpretations, clarifications or addenda will be issued after the fourth day prior to the scheduled bid opening (August 28th).

Basis of Award – Proposals will be canvassed on the basis of “Total Cost”. Award will be based on the lowest, responsive, responsible proposal. This award will be made upon the recommendation of the Glenbard Wastewater Authority Executive Director to the Glenbard Wastewater Authority Executive Oversight Committee for anticipated award in September 2023. The award recipient will be expected to commence service to the Authority on March 15, 2024.

All contractors and subcontractors bidding for work involving fixed works constructed for public use, for public work, or otherwise undertaking public works, must pay prevailing wages as required by the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130).
The Glenbard Wastewater Authority reserves the right to reject or accept any Proposal and, to waive any irregularities and/or informalities in any Proposal, and to enter into an agreement consistent with law that is considered in the best interest of the Glenbard Wastewater Authority.

Glenbard Wastewater Authority – IAWA PFAS Position Statement
(Posted July 24, 2023)

Glen Ellyn, Illinois – Recently, many media headlines have been focused on Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances, also known as PFAS. PFAS substances are a group of chemicals used to make fluoropolymer coatings and products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease, and water. These products were man-made, and have been found to have potential detrimental effects on human health.

As recent headlines have focused on the contamination of clean drinking water, or other methods that can lead to human consumption, many headlines have also made mention of how to handle PFAS that arrives to wastewater treatment plants, where it can be sent out in plant effluent, or contained in biosolids that are used for fertilizer on farm fields. State legislation has evaluated a number of different PFAS bills that could have significant impacts on operational costs at public owned treatment plants such as the Authority.

The Authority is a member of the Illinois Association of Wastewater Agencies (IAWA), an organization that represents close to 100 years of transition and growth of publicly owned wastewater treatment plants in the state of Illinois. Due to the visible presence of PFAS issues in media, and likelihood of concerned leaders and citizens, the IAWA has decided to release a position statement for sharing with the public. This statement can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

IAWA PFAS Position Statement

Glenbard Wastewater Authority to Hold Public Information Hearing – (Correction)
(Posted May 3, 2023- REVISED)

Lombard, Illinois – Glenbard Wastewater Authority (GWA) will hold a public information hearing regarding its Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Stormwater Facility. The meeting will present GWA’s CSO Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) and will be held on Tuesday, May 17, at 7:30 P.M. via Zoom. Interested participants can join the meeting at:

Meeting ID: 873 6797 4789
Passcode: 143473, or call in at (312) 626-6799 and use Meeting ID being 873 6797 4789, and a passcode of 143473.

The GWA CSO Stormwater Facility operates under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. IL0022471, which was renewed effective on February 1, 2022. GWA Staff will be presenting information to the public on the system’s operational procedures and requirements.

For more information on the meeting, please contact the Glenbard Wastewater Authority at 630-790-1901.

Notice Invitation to Bid for Digester Cleaning and Municipal Sludge Disposal
(Posted February 8, 2023)

Digester Cleaning and Municipal Sludge Disposal Invitation to Bid

Sealed bids for Digester Cleaning and Municipal Sludge Disposal will be received by the Glenbard Wastewater Authority, 945 Bemis Road, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137, until 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday March 1, 2023. At that time, bids will be publicly opened and read. All bids shall be submitted in an opaque, sealed envelope clearly labeled to identify the bidder and the project, and marked “SEALED BID – Glenbard Wastewater Authority – Digester Cleaning and Municipal Sludge Disposal – DO NOT OPEN”. Bids received after 10:00 a.m. will be returned unopened. Basis of award will be determined by lowest Per Gallon Removal and Hauling Rate. This award will be made upon the recommendation of the Glenbard Wastewater Authority’s Executive Director to the Glenbard Wastewater Authority Executive Oversight Committee for anticipated award on March 9th 2023.

Bid documents may be obtained and/or examined at the offices of the Glenbard Wastewater Authority, 945 Bemis Road, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Phone: (630) 790-1901, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., or by contacting Andrew Pakosta, Operations Superintendent, at Upon receipt of the document, parties interested in bidding will be added to a plan holders list.

GWA will attempt to remove as much material as possible prior to contractors start date. Due to operational capabilities and other limiting factors, GWA estimates an approximate volume of 400,000 gallons will be required to be removed from digester 1. Liquid contents of the digester are to be hauled to a landfill or land applied. The selected service provider will be notified of official award on March 9, 2023, and shall have 60 days to complete the work.

The Executive Oversight Committee (EOC) of the Glenbard Wastewater Authority reserves the right to reject or accept any Proposal and, to waive any irregularities and/or informalities in any Proposal, and to enter into an agreement consistent with law that is considered in the best interest of the Glenbard Wastewater Authority.

Notice of Combined Sewer Overflow Permitted Discharge
(Posted March 28, 2023)

Public Notification Program for the Combined Sewer

The Glenbard Wastewater Authority (Authority) formed through an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Villages of Glen Ellyn and Lombard creating Regional Wastewater Treatment Facilities. Included in those facilities is the CSTF which operates under the Authority’s Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Permit numbers IL0022471-001, 002 and 003. The Village of Lombard owns and maintains a collection system that incorporates approximately seven square miles of residential and commercial development tributary to the CSTF. The Authority, has developed this web page entry to notify the public of any discharges that occur from any of the three (3) permitted outfalls associated with the CSTF. These outfalls all discharge partially treated effluent into the East Branch of the DuPage River.

The CSTF, IL Permit Number 0022471, discharged at ~ 12:45 AM, on March 24, 2023, for a period of ~ 25 hours, with a total discharge of 7.332 million gallons, due to a rain event of ~ .59″, which began on March 24, 2023 at ~ 12:45 AM, with a duration of ~ 5 hours.

Days are classified as 12:00p.m to 12:00p.m for permit reporting of the CSTF. If at any time you have questions regarding the discharge of the CSTF to the East Branch of the DuPage River or how the Authority treats the water, please do not hesitate to contact Authority staff at (630) 790-1901. Click here to view the Authority’s storm water plant.

Notice of Invitation to Bid for Liquid Sodium Thiosulfate
(Posted December 15, 2022)

Liquid Sodium Thiosulfate Invitation to Bid

Sealed bids for Liquid Sodium Thiosulfate Supply Service will be received by the Glenbard Wastewater Authority, 945 Bemis Road, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137, until 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday December 21, 2022. At that time, bids will be publicly opened and read. All bids shall be submitted in an opaque, sealed envelope clearly labeled to identify the bidder and the project, and marked “SEALED BID – Glenbard Wastewater Authority – Liquid Sodium Thiosulfate – DO NOT OPEN”. Bids received after 11:00 a.m. will be returned unopened.

In general, the supply and delivery of 30% Liquid Sodium Thiosulfate is required on an as needed basis for the operation of the Lombard Combined Sewage Treatment Facility, Hill Avenue & I-355, Lombard, Illinois, which is operated by the Glenbard Wastewater Authority. Services are to be provided as specified in Section C of the Contract Documents.

Bid documents may be obtained and/or examined at the offices of the Glenbard Wastewater Authority, 945 Bemis Road, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Phone: (630) 790-1901, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., or by contacting Andrew Pakosta, Operations Superintendent, at

The Glenbard Wastewater Authority Executive Oversight Committee reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to waive technicalities, irregularities, and/or informalities. All costs and prices quoted are firm and irrevocable for a period of ninety (90) days after the actual date of Bid opening. Each Bid received is an irrevocable offer, which upon acceptance by Glenbard Wastewater Authority, forms a binding contract. Unless the Executive Oversight Committee rejects the Bid in the exercise of discretion, award of contract shall be to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, in a manner consistent with law.

Notice of Invitation to Bid for Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite
(Posted December 15, 2022)

Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite Invitation to Bid

Sealed bids for Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite Supply Service will be received by the Glenbard Wastewater Authority, 945 Bemis Road, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137, until 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 21, 2022. At that time, bids will be publicly opened and read. All bids shall be submitted in an opaque, sealed envelope clearly labeled to identify the bidder and the project, and marked “SEALED BID – Glenbard Wastewater Authority – Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite – DO NOT OPEN”. Bids received after 10:00 a.m. will be returned unopened.

In general, the supply and delivery of 15% Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite is required on an as needed basis for the operation of the Lombard Combined Sewage Treatment Facility, located at Hill Avenue & I-355, Lombard, Illinois, which is operated by the Glenbard Wastewater Authority. Services are to be provided as specified in Section C of the Contract Documents.

Bid documents may be obtained and/or examined at the offices of the Glenbard Wastewater Authority, 945 Bemis Road, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Phone: (630) 790-1901, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., or by contacting Andrew Pakosta, Operations Superintendent, at

The Glenbard Wastewater Authority Executive Oversight Committee reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to waive technicalities, irregularities, and/or informalities. All costs and prices quoted are firm and irrevocable for a period of ninety (90) days after the actual date of Bid opening. Each Bid received is an irrevocable offer, which upon acceptance by Glenbard Wastewater Authority, forms a binding contract. Unless the Executive Oversight Committee rejects the Bid in the exercise of discretion, award of contract shall be to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, in a manner consistent with law.

Contact Information

Glenbard Wastewater Authority
945 Bemis Rd
Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137
Map It                Weather

Phone: (630) 790.1901
Fax: (630) 858.8119

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
7:00a.m. – 3:30p.m

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