Glenbard Wastewater Authority was created in 1977 by an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Villages of Lombard and Glen Ellyn for the purpose of jointly constructing and operating advanced wastewater treatment facilities. The new facilities opened in 1982 and operate 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.
The Illinois Pollution Control Board required regionalization of wastewater treatment facilities in 1974 by creating Facility Planning Areas (FPA). The Glenbard FPA, Region IV-B, originally contained 14,000 acres or 22 square miles and has been amended several times by Glen Ellyn and Lombard and now appears to contain approximately 14,157 acres or 22 1/4 square miles.
Recommendation for FPA amendments are made to the Villages and the Glenbard Wastewater Executive Oversight Committee (EOC), and are usually done to add small adjacent areas. On occasion, small adjacent areas are lost to other FPA’s. As of April 2014, the Glenbard FPA contained a population equivalent (PE) of approximately 103,802, which is a year of increase of 124 PE from May 2013. The Glenbard FPA is projected to contain a PE of 109,125 when full development is reached.
Glenbard Wastewater Authority
945 Bemis Rd
Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137
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Phone: (630) 790.1901
Fax: (630) 858.8119
Monday – Friday
7:00a.m. – 3:30p.m
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© 2025 Glenbard Wastewater Authority - Glen Ellyn, IL.